All winter, I take pictures of snow creations, documenting the construction and the gradual demise of these monuments to impermenence. If taking pictures of snowmen has taught me anything, it's that people regard you as highly suspicious for taking pictures of snowmen. Some will ask what you're doing, others tell you to get away from their snow property. It's strange how possessive people can be over flakes of solidified water...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Murder doesn't take a winter break...

It's always sad to see snow-on-snow crime....

This fellow was questioned, but claimed to be out of town at the time of the tipping...

However, the surveillance camera says otherwise...that's him in the background, just to the left of the red van....cold-hearted bastard!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love snowmen. I almost left my husband for one.

1/02/2006 07:56:00 AM

Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

He killed Frosty! That bastard!!

1/02/2006 08:22:00 AM


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